Borehole Construction. Well Head – Above Ground Good Practice

Well Head – Above Ground Good Practice

Springhill have been involved with borehole drilling for over 20 years. In that time we have identified a number of good working practices use by a variety of borehole drillers. Shown below is the good practice for well head design that covers the overall design. This design is in line with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa)

Above Ground Design

It is important that the right precautions are taken when planning and constructing water supply boreholes, to prevent contamination of the sources themselves and pollution to the groundwater in general. There are many examples of badly constructed, completed or maintained private water supply boreholes, which can pose a risk to source owners. Once drilled and completed a borehole is often out of sight and out of mind – until things go wrong, e.g. becomes polluted, fails environmental health, or the output yield falls.

Good working practice

There is no standard specification for drilling or completing water supply boreholes. However, common objectives must be met, but precisely how they are achieved is a matter for the client and contractor. Both have legal and other responsibilities and legal liabilities. The client’s interests must be protected, whilst the contractor is usually looked on as ‘the expert’ in these matters, and is expected to use designs, materials and workmanship appropriate to the setting and risks.

Other factors

Listed below are other factors that need to be considered when planning or constructing a borehole. They include:

  • regulatory control;
  • health and safety;
  • electrical safety and regulations;
  • dangers from toxic or explosive gases;
  • leaking sewers, effluent disposal from septic tanks;
  • storage, handling and accidental spillages of fuels and chemicals.
  • the presence of buried services (gas, electric etc);

Acknowledgement: The primary source of information whilst preparing this document is Drinking Water Regulator in Scotland (DWRS).

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